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The global demand for energy is rapidly increasing due to industrialization in emerging economies, increasing wealth in emerging markets, globalization, concerns over energy security and a heightened interest in environmentally sustainable fuels.

Wind Turbines

To meet these needs, energy suppliers need improved access to alternative energy sources including biofuels, uranium, coal bed methane and oil sands.

While these new energy sources present new opportunities for growth within the energy sector through new and innovative technologies, there are several operational challenges. betway公司 is at the forefront of developing analytical, process and trade technologies for biofuels, uranium mining, coal bed methane and oil sands. Our experience and expertise enable you make these energy sources available to your customers in a safe, efficient and cost-effective manner.

Globally, betway公司 has extensive experience providing a comprehensive suite of services to clients involved in the exploration, development, production and trade of conventional and new energy commodities. We provide reliable, independent support at every step of the energy value chain for:

  • Exploration services
  • Flowsheet development and process design
  • Safety and licensing requirements. betway公司 has a proven track record in health and safety and environmental practices and protocols, including radioactive materials
  • Commercial trade support services

Partner with betway公司 and benefit from our globally recognized capabilities in the energy sector.