Product Conformity Assessment

How do you ensure your products comply with local import regulations?
World trade is increasingly linked as one global market, but with many different standards and regulations to comply with. Importers of almost all goods need to ensure that specific products conform to applicable laws, technical regulations and standards. This interaction requires mutual understanding and adherence to internationally recognized standards.
Access world markets with Product Conformity Assessment from betway公司
Our Product Conformity Assessment (PCA) is an effective solution which is achieved through precise and consistent inspection, verification and testing of products as well as the certification of processes and systems of producers and traders. Each country’s concerns pivot on consistency and compliance in trade practices as well as the protection and safety of their human, animal, and plant life resources.
With more than 1250 laboratories and offices and presence in more than 100 countries, we can provide PCA services in any part of the globe. Our extensive experience in managing conformity assessment programs around the world enables us to offer efficient, comprehensive and tailored solutions to make sure shipments are in conformity with the importing country or approved international standards.
Benefits for the importing country:
- Protects consumers’ health, safety and the environment
- Prevents the importation of unsafe, substandard and counterfeit goods
- Avoids the domestic market becoming a dumping ground for non-conforming products
- Promotes the use of honest trade practices and protects the interests of local producers
- Facilitates the customs clearance process by eliminating bottlenecks caused by the verification of compliance at destination
Benefits for the exporting country:
- Enhances economic growth and leads to sustainable development
- Overcomes the risk that products will be rejected in the importing country
- Allows integration of producers and traders in the global economy
- Provides access to export markets
- Promotes the image of the quality of the products
For more information about reaching global export markets contact us to find out more about Product Conformity Assessment.